Tuesday 10 November 2009

Hiring And Firing

The least favourite part of my job is my involvement in recruitment. I tend to leave the dirty work to the HR Coordinator but I do have a part to play and I don’t enjoy it. We have had to fire someone for gross misconduct and it wasn’t pretty. For the first time since university I am finally relying on and applying my law studies. I contact my lawyer regularly and am becoming very familiar with the Pakistani employment and contract law. It is sad to have to let people go, knowing that they have an entire family to support on an already pitiful wage.

Hiring can also be problematic; balancing Sunnis and Shiites, Pashtuns and Punjabis, males and females to ensure a fair team composition whilst avoiding nepotism is not simple. As soon as a position opens we receive an influx of applications from our staff who all want their brother, uncle, or nephew to take the role. There is the added complication that many take a cut of the salary if they manage to find them work, a situation we try to avert at all costs. I have at least been able to save the jobs of a few and for that I am glad.

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