Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Paranoia Attacks Pakistan

After the explosion yesterday at the Islamic University in Islamabad, I officially declare that everyone is going crazy. People won't leave their homes, suspicions of being followed are common, and you can feel nerves are on the edge. Text messages are the main culprit, breeding fear in everyone by sending leaked details of alleged next bombings. There is a message circulating today that reads as if you will trigger a suicide bomb by pressing a key on your mobile phone...

All the education centres have closed for the week, what has this place come to when the children cannot even go to school? Security checkpoints are multiplying, and while waiting in a traffic jam today I truly lost it for a moment, scared at all the 'what if' scenarios that were filling my mind. I always thought I was attracted to danger and could keep my cool. Apparently not this kind of danger.

Luckily I have support here for that, and after calming down it is simple to calculate that the risk is largely exaggerated. I pity the local population so much. I can always choose to return home if the situation becomes too tense to bear. They, however, have their lives, homes and families here. Where can they go?


  1. They have no where to go. God, it all sounds horribley scary. Take care, stay calm. Lowri x

  2. The locals have no other option - which of course is awful - but you do - if the going gets too risky, I'll meet you in Goa! x
